Vision @ Münster

Workshop of production – Germany, Münster, 08-13 March 2011

After the project meeting in Cornellá in February the partners reunited for the production workshops in Germany. The participants were accommodated in a very friendly hotel, situated 10 minutes’ walk from the organisation’s office. All the meetings were held in the building of Bennohaus. During this meeting the participants were mainly concentrating on completing the documentation of the existing tolls and discussing the ones which were still to be defined. On this stage of the project, every participant knew it’s tasks and responsibilities. The days were filled with individual work or in small groups. We were active and supporting each other with the skills we have. This intense work lead us closer to the aim and we have managed to complete majority of the objectives set for this particular session. The free time that was left in the evenings, the participants spent sharing the interesting links on P2P2P session or visiting the city.
This meeting definitely brought us closer to the final goals of the project. The multimedia toolkits started to take more concrete form. We have reached the agreement about the pedagogical manifesto that, in short, speaks on behalf of the project and all the partners.

llegir més

Toni and Laia revealed the possibilities of Media Wiki and we had a little tutorial on how to install, costumize and edit it.

llegir més

Here’s a clip of the Stone Soup & StreetView Workshops that we did last “Vision-week” at Citilab. In this workshops the kids were able to write their names using Google Maps and described where each of the letter came from. They would also use Google Street View to find other kids around the world and described what they were doing and where they were.

llegir més

Vision @ Barcelona

Workshop of production – Spain, Cornella, 07-12 February 2011

After the project meeting in Porto in December 2010 the partners reunited for the production workshops in Spain. Considering the beauty of the hosting areas, the participants were accommodated in the center of Barcelona, while the workshops had been taking place in the space of the partner organisation – Citilab, in Cornellà. The time of traveling between the places we spent chatting about the different visions, the multimedia ones and the others.
The teams were divided into three groups each working on the word press, Wikipedia and documentation (recording various sessions and interviewing the participants). The first day was dedicated to exploration of the Wikipedia and its features. The participants, with the guidance of the trainer from Amical Wikipedia, were analyzing the characteristics, differences and uses of Wikipedia and Wikimedia. The next day was divided between the continuation of the previous day’s intervention and the Arduino workshop. In the morning all the participants had a chance to work on Wikipedia page and while doing so, learn many technical aspects, necessary to continue the project. Simultaneously, those who already were quite accustomed with the Wikipedia, were improving the blog part of the Vision project. The afternoon was dedicated to the Scratch modification of the Arduino – interested participants, along with some locals, discovered the possibilities of this platform and the Scratch variation . Following days, making use of the knowledge we have just gained, we were exploring the Wikipedia and the blog on our own and in small groups. We started to fill in the content of the project’s web pages. Repeatedly, during this session, the participants were raising the subject of pedagogical motivation behind the multimedia toolkits, discussing various ideas and approaches. Next, there was a couple of workshops around the Open Web learning. For this “Stone soup” and “Virtual Walkshop” we have joined local youngsters and together tested our skills in geolocation. After such an intensive time, we went to a DHub in Barcelona city center ( ), where, with the help of latest digital technologies, we have created personalized laser-cut pieces.
This meeting put the project on a new level, the partners strengthen the cooperation and found a common rhythm of working. We have speed up the process of completing the content of the project’s means. We reached the common understanding and interpretation of the project’s toolkit.

llegir més

Vision @ Porto

Workshop of production – Portugal, Porto 02-07 December 2010

After the project meeting in Orléans in May 2010 the partners reunited for the production workshops in Portugal.

llegir més